
Why Is Cybersecurity Important For A Company?

Most boardrooms today have some form of representation of information security. Whether from an IT director, CISO or even technical staff, the articulation of cyber risks in many companies is expected. However, many board members leave these presentations with little understanding of the real risks and threats lurking within them. In-depth technical presentations about system vulnerabilities, network cuiosities, and suspicious events do little to add value to executives in making financial and operational decisions.

Make sure you keep this information in a safe place and limit who can see it. You should also conduct an assessment of your current security systems to find out where the vulnerabilities may be. Conducting penetration testing program a business risk assessment helps ensure the safety of your business. Cybercriminals design their attacks around vulnerabilities in popular software products such as Microsoft Office or Adobe Flash Player.

Back up data automatically, if possible, or at least weekly, and store copies offsite or in the cloud. CIS 18, SOC2, ISO-27001, NIST and others provide phenomenal starting points. If you have any questions about your company’s cybersecurity plan, please contact us. Therefore, business owners should realize that cybersecurity is their responsibility, not a topic that needs to be discussed briefly, and then move on to the IT team.

Office Solutions IT hosts cybersecurity awareness training every month as our mission is to help Australian business owners protect their data. Cybersecurity is the state or process of protecting and restoring computer systems, networks, devices, and programs from any type of cyberattack. Solid BC-IR plans and policies help an organization respond effectively to cyberattacks and security breaches while ensuring critical business systems remain online. Cyber attacks are no longer stopped by antivirus software or firewalls. The risk of cyber attacks is constantly increasing and for companies and institutions it is no longer a question of “whether” it will happen, but of “when”.

Simply click on the topic of your choice to get an explanation of the activity and how it can add value to your business. Working from home can be relaxing for your employees, but it can also increase the threat to sensitive company information. Learn how Standley Systems can help you identify and mitigate risks before your systems are compromised and your business is affected. This simple step reduces the risk of losing everything if your system fails or a hacker takes your system hostage.


Essential Toolkit For National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Using AI and ML technologies, you can create customizable cybersecurity awareness campaigns and review metrics to measure the program’s effectiveness. When you consider the cost of cybersecurity education and response, compare the cost of preventing cyber threats from entering your organization to the financial impact of a successful cyber attack. This one-time investment in the security of your company’s future will pay off and save you from losing untold profits to criminals who may already be targeting your brand and customers. Although spear phishing seems rudimentary, it has evolved in recent years and is extremely difficult to detect, especially without prior knowledge or the use of spear phishing protection software. For example, a hacker may find an employee’s email address, interests, role, geographic location, and posts about new products they just purchased on their social media profiles. With all this information, the hacker poses as a friend or a known person and sends a convincing but fraudulent and malicious message to his target.

Continuously incorporate cybersecurity awareness directly into their employees’ workflows. By providing regular cybersecurity training in bite-sized chunks, your employees will make cybersecurity a priority, keeping them and your company safe online and better prepared to defend against attacks. Your employees are your first and most important line of defense against online crime. That’s where cybersecurity training comes in, equipping your employees with the knowledge and skills they need to protect themselves from criminal elements. Conducting training ensures that employees are using approved software and have strong passwords.

Because most cybersecurity awareness programs focus on theory, they cannot create a process for cybersecurity awareness and incident response. That is, in addition to a training program, it is important for employees and management to experience cyber incidents similar to a fire drill and referred to as cyber drills. A cyber drill is a training procedure that simulates a cyber attack for employees or individuals whose jobs involve cyber incident response. In addition, cyber drills can determine if an employee is at high risk of becoming a victim of a cyber threat. Responding quickly to an incident puts the organization in a state of cyber resilience that can withstand the impact of attacks.

A good cybersecurity awareness and training program will help keep employees up to date and ultimately keep your organization protected. In our last blog, we talked about how to promote cybersecurity awareness and the importance of having a cybersecurity education and awareness program for your employees. In this blog, we will discuss eight specific ways to promote cybersecurity awareness.

Even if the latest network security software is deployed to protect the corporate network, it is useless if the physical systems are not protected from unauthorized access. If the company inadequately secures an important system, third parties can easily gain access to the system to steal sensitive information. Therefore, physical security provides an additional layer of protection against cybercrime. For example, an SMS message is a well-known form of multifactor authentication that requires a one-way number to log into a service immediately after the user enters his or her password. However, SMS-based 2FA is becoming increasingly insecure and can lead to SMS phishing attacks, also known as “smishing” attacks. Therefore, more advanced methods of multi-factor authentication are available, such as token generators, biometric scanners and geolocation trackers.

In the case of Alternative 3, the simulated attack is sent to users and the result is reported to their supervisor. Finally, Alternative 4 is similar to Alternative 2, except that there is no certificate. In order to select the most acceptable alternative, two evaluations were performed.

A very simple, but often overlooked, element that can contribute to your organization’s security is password security. Common passwords are often guessed by malicious actors looking to gain access to your accounts. Using simple passwords or password patterns that are recognizable to employees can make it easy for cybercriminals to gain access to a variety of accounts. Once stolen, this information cybersecurity awareness training can be published or sold for profit on the Deep Web. Given that human error plays a key role in 95% of cybersecurity breaches, employee management of cyber risk is critical for your organization to avoid a data breach and demonstrate compliance. It’s important that those in leadership roles in your organization set an example of the behavior you expect from your own employees.