Find The Correct Flow Meter



An electromagnetic flux meter is a volumetric flow meter that has no moving parts and is ideal for wastewater applications or any dirty liquid that is conductive or water-based. As electromagnetic flux meters have become more accurate and accurate, fluid-powered industries rely on them as an efficient means of calculating and determining the use of liquids. Despite these advantages, magnetic flux meters also show certain difficulties in measuring the flow. These flow meters are only effective in conductive liquids and materials such as hydrocarbons and non-mixed gases cannot be measured. However, magnetic materials can also cause problems, because hydrodynamic effects can change the normal flow pattern and change the speed to disrupt operations.

A range of line materials, electrode options and line sizes can accommodate a wide range of process applications. For aggressive applications with high noise levels, look for optimal performance on our Slurry platform. Documentation and assessment of your application requirements includes liquid media identification, media temperature, flow range and pressure. Please note that all electromagnetic flux meters only work with conductive liquids. Compressible liquid flow cannot be measured with electromagnetic flux meters. ADI has developed a system-level reference design to prototype the entire signal chain for an electromagnetic flux meter.

The complete design offers a much simplified approach to the above techniques with many cost benefits, power and surface savings. The electromagnetic method measures the volume flow, which means that the measurement is insensitive to changes in effects such as liquid density, temperature, pressure and viscosity. Once calibrated with water, the electromagnetic flux meter can be used to measure the other types of conductive fluid without further correction.

For example, electromagnetic flux meters do not work with non-conductive liquids such as hydrocarbons. Likewise, few types of meters can measure sludge due to their unique semi-liquid properties. In general, full diameter magnetic flux meters require a minimum straight stroke distance upstream and downstream to accurately measure the flux. Flow donors such as any modulation valve, chemical injection points, etc. should also be considered before measuring the flow.

When installed, the fluid flow direction must be consistent with the direction of the arrow indicating the direction of the current in the sensor housing. During installation, the liquid in the tube must be filled to ensure accurate measurement. In addition to knowing the type of process medium that is measured, other factors such as temperature and operating pressure are also important. A full diameter electromagnetic flux meter used for an application of 150 psi may not work for an application of 300 psi.

All over the world, but especially in Europe, there are increasing environmental rules for monitoring and controlling waste from residential and commercial industries. Electromagnetic flux technology is the technology chosen for this application. This has some drawbacks, such as cost, surface, energy, response time and limited system information. The wide range of liquid types and tube diameter types creates the need for dynamic power control capacity, which effectively has a unique design that suits all sensor type needs with minimal power flow. The Blackfin DSP offers the right combination of low power and processing requirements for applying the flow meter. Run complex FIR filter algorithms to calculate flow rates and deliver 800 leading MMACS in its processing power class to less than 100 mW.

Although there is a great need for mass flow meters at service stations, magnetic flux meters are used to measure the fuel flow volumetrically. They are used for accurate customer billing and measurement of the fuel delivered to the station. The main use for magnetic flux meters is to measure the flow of conductive liquids and dirty liquids. đồng hồ nước điện tử While these are two main functions, they are also used to measure the volumetric flow of other liquids because they are easy to maintain and have no moving parts. The three common types of electromagnetic flux meters are in-line, low flow insertion. Determining which one to choose depends on the application needs and the required data.

In typical applications, magnetic flow meters are so large that the maximum flow rate is about 2-3 meters per second. For example, gravity-powered tubes may require a larger magnetic flux meter to reduce pressure drop so that the required amount of fluid can pass through the magnetic flux meter without leaving the piping system. When flow meters are placed too close to pumps, valves and other equipment, unstable or irregular currents can affect performance and ultimately lead to maintenance problems.

The construction of the magnetic flux meter is such that the only wet parts are the coating and the electrodes, which can be made of materials that can withstand corrosion. In addition, the direct (non-obstructed) nature of the design reduces the loss of hydraulic energy through the flow meter and the wear potential of the flowing liquid. Therefore, magnetic flux meters can measure many caustic liquids and abrasive sludge.

The magnetic flux meter coatings and electrodes can be constructed with materials that do not contaminate the liquid. Therefore, these flow meters can be used when liquid contamination is a problem, such as in sanitary applications. Applications for dirty liquids are found in the water, wastewater, mining, mineral processing, energy, pulp and paper and chemical industries. Water and waste water applications include the transfer of fluid build-up in the mains between water / waste water districts.