
How to Work Online From Your Own Home Office and Keep the Costs Down and Work Ethic Up!

Working online is a fantastic way not only to engage in self-employment and achieve financial independence, but also to enjoy the freedom to work where you want, set your own schedule and do what interests you in your life, your career. In short, if you can work online, you will probably naturally improve all aspects of your lifestyle.

You may also not realize how much money you save while working from home. Think about it: you no longer have to pay to get to work, which can mean saving hundreds a month on rail or perhaps a similar amount in parking. You also have to spend less money on eating out and you have two or more hours of the day for yourself because you don’t need to travel… It’s beautiful.

But while online and home office work has many advantages, it’s also important to consider that there may be drawbacks. This is a very unique and unusual way of life compared to what most of us are used to, and in fact it is at first quite different, adapting to many people. So let’s see how to work from home office while reducing costs.

Keep your desk in stock

The problem that many people initially face is that their home office is not really a home office. At least that means they don’t treat it like a real home office. Instead of equipping this space with proper furniture and professional-level technology, many people will simply keep the furniture they already have and will mostly work from home or something like that. It may be a nice place, but it won’t be as convenient for work as a real home office.

Unfortunately, many people just don’t want to keep their home office in storage, as this may seem like a waste of money. In fact, if you work from home to save, it may seem a little counterintuitive to spend more money on this building to add furniture.

One solution is to purchase used or refurbished furniture. In this way, you can provide your office with much higher quality products without breaking the money!


You can also find a number of different home office accessories, such as paper and pens. The trick here is again to treat your office as a real office and buy in bulk. This means higher initial costs, but as a result you will never run out of what you need and you can save a lot. You can even try buying from wholesalers and manufacturers through sites like Alibaba!


Finally, keep in mind that you can write off your bills as expenses. It means things like electricity, the Internet and more. You can also often find deals for business.


Importance Of Work Life Balance

Work-life balance means time spent taking responsibility for the time spent building a family and doing things that people are willingly interested in. People who are trying to adapt their needs in life will become more and more productive during their viable period. Either way, difficulties and stressful situations are associated with sales. In other words, the more you know how to adapt your work and family life, the more efficient and profitable you become.

It also has a strong impact on the relationship between schedule control and completion, as well as between prioritization and emotional well-being. However, labour disputes are closely related to internal concerns, lack of time, work problems, natural problems and family interests. In fact, this is a disadvantageous responsibility.

It also depends on job satisfaction, human relationships, progress, working conditions, wages, complaints and stress. Some of the segment factors were also related to the work environment and the family, which were clearly regulated by the time requirements. As a rule, more well-established, requiring the presence of young people and a longer period of work in the company.

Similarly, it improves outcomes for organizations. The benefits are a kind of positive exchange between the employee and the boss, which can be used by both meetings. It depends on human satisfaction, human relations, improvement and progress, working conditions and pay. Elements that affect the atmosphere of work and family include a reasonable time frame.

Similarly, it is the best possible link between the profession and ambitions in terms of life, including well-being, joy, leisure and family. This also includes the need for work to take control of the family, long periods and reinforcements. Creating an organizational culture that supports WLB is a long process for large associations. This includes changing people’s way of thinking about their work and using adaptable alternatives to work and other activities.

In fact, it allows flexible working hours, additional benefits and family/individual leave. Thus, it requires the cooperation of authoritative elements with individual variables. Most of the practices observed include family leave programmes, division of labour and care for young people in the field. It also has a significant impact on the performance of the work.

In the same way, it is a matter of establishing harmony between work and personal life. The strategies implemented guarantee the best quality of products. However, it is interesting to note that there is a significant relationship between work-life balance and linear responsibility, but there are contrasts when it comes to individual characteristics.

In fact, it emphasizes the nature of working life and its relationship to broader personal satisfaction and governs the culture of overtime. It is a viable management of the interaction between paid work and family, networking, thoughtful tasks, personal development, recreation and entertainment.

Consequently, work-life balance is the absence of a low level of conflict between work and family; actively involved in many roles and responsibilities in professional and personal life.


Construction Work Injury and Roadwork Injuries in Washington State – Can We Prevent Them?

Move slower to reduce the number of construction injuries on the roads in Tacoma

I recently noticed that inscriptions in the area are asking drivers to slow down to help builders. The city of Tacoma is doing everything it can to prevent industrial injuries. Bright orange speed limit signs, crime warning signs and read inscriptions are scattered in different areas. Unfortunately, according to my observations, all these efforts are in vain. In this area of Tacoma, drivers do not slow down. To make matters worse, most drivers who drive faster usually express their disdain for safe drivers. In fact, drivers who meet the new speed requirements anger local drivers and are hostile to them.

Statistics of traffic accidents and fatalities of employees

In the United States, about 3 workers die every day as a result of traffic accidents. These statistics are from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). If you think about it, it means more than 1,000 accidents at work that resulted in the death of an employee.

Interestingly, the state of Washington receives federal funding from NIOSH to track fatal accidents resulting from injuries at work. The program responsible for tracking this data is called the Washington Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation (FACE). For more information on workplace accidents and face-to-face, please visit the Ministry of Labor and Industry’s website.

According to FACE, traffic accidents caused 21% of deaths at construction sites in Washington state from 1998 to 2019. These staggering statistics apply only to accidents. They do not take into account other non-fatal workplace injuries sustained on the road.

All drivers should help prevent roadworks and accidents at work.

For me, the speed limit in the work area is not a hindrance or a proposition. These lower speed limits are necessary to protect road and construction workers. That’s why there are speed limit signs so that builders are not injured or died.

In my articles, I often write about the importance of improving safety in the workplace.


Beware of the Pitfalls of Working From Home

Working from home may seem like an ideal scenario for employers, employees and freelance traders. After all, it minimizes overheads, reduces the need for office space and provides more flexibility, with the ability to work when it’s busy, and do other things when it’s not.

But there are a few potential pitfalls to keep in mind when working from home.

  • In this post-COVID-19 world, some employees may be concerned about the prospect of returning to work, worrying about using public transport, or that they do not have enough real work to support them when they return to full-time work. Working from home helps to make sure that they are available when necessary, can work in their own time as they please, and then gradually regain their confidence after perhaps a few weeks of absence.
  • Individual entrepreneurs may have had to reduce overheads, give up support staff and possibly try to recover some of the land lost during the lockdown. They may have to start from scratch and build their business from scratch. Working from home is the first step towards recovery, as many important support services are activated almost when and where they are needed.

“Some logistical considerations need to be explored, at least initially. Is it possible to create a dedicated workplace? Trying to work at the kitchen table or in a crowded, noisy place or in a place with other usage requirements is not conducive to a productive work environment. Sharing recruitment with children and their homework is also irrelevant. Evaluate the available space, software requirements, Internet bandwidth, data security, and any additional learning requirements. Are any staff required for personal protective or other protection?

  • Meetings, networking and teambuilding are often an important part of business success. Good relationships contribute to business development. Those who have a reputation for being honest and well-treated to their employees and customers always achieve more.
  • Homework allows you to work according to your own schedule, adapt to children and their school hours and their various wishes, be able to plan face-to-face meetings or more comfortably manage household chores. But these non-work-related things can be more and more distracting because you go to the gym too often, meet friends for a cup of coffee, or do household chores instead of real work.
  • Set a clear clock for yourself to go to work, where, even when you are not particularly busy, you will check both mentally and physically, send emails, update information on social networks, make phone calls, communicate and initiate conversations with colleagues, make relationship decisions.

“But also make it clear that you’re done with the end of the work. The indication can become a trap when working from home; it’s tempting to work until something is done, or “just” check again for fear of missing out on (FOMO) or being under-productive.

  • Distraction cannot be caused by absence from a formal office. Sometimes you may be tempted to immerse yourself in different parts of the work and give it up and not finish the job until you start something new. If there is no other pressing problem, it is better to remain disciplined and focus on one job at a time.
  • Keeping a good list can ensure that there is no danger of forgetting something new, important or noteworthy. This avoids wasting time and accidentally jumping from one place to another.
  • The main problem with working from home may be the consequences of prolonged social exclusion and the degree of fear of some employees or individual entrepreneurs leaving home to meet others. Some people have experienced a personal tragedy, perhaps first hand. The prospect of attending busy meetings or seminars can be daunting, and individual mental and physical safety should be taken into account.

“How do you dress now?” I venture to say that many of us have spent weeks in everyday clothes, sometimes refreshing the upper and visible part of our body for the next zoom or Skype call.


Workers’ Comp Claim and Return to Work Programs: The Vocational Recovery Project

Back to work after an accident at work

I started a professional recovery project a few years ago. Unfortunately, since then I have not noticed significant improvements in the success of injured workers when they return to work. It seems to me that L’I and most PHO companies think that improving results means making more decisions. These results show that people with work-related injuries can work. In other words, they focused on making a decision. However, they ignore important considerations, such as returning an injured worker to work.

If you think about it, if someone determines that someone can work, it doesn’t necessarily mean improving outcomes for an employee. In practice, a success plan is needed to improve the outcome. The plan should show how and why an employee will successfully perform their tasks over time. In fact, without such a plan, the applicant cannot return to work in a sustainable manner.

Each employee’s claim for compensation and each accident victim is different

I have written many articles about vocational education. Some articles cover retraining, career guidance, planning, disability assessment and other topics. More than once I was criticized and shouted for what others consider my “bias”. Many people believe that the only acceptable result for my clients is retirement. In other words, my clients are completely unable to work and work. This assumption is not only wrong, but also simply offensive.

In any case, the optimal outcome depends on the specific facts and circumstances. This mainly depends on the person injured at work, his medical limitations and other individual factors. Professional services, especially vocational training plans, are often needed to ensure optimal outcomes for job seekers. Unfortunately, I am afraid that this aspect of improving return to work is not addressed in the professional recovery project. This is probably a list of consultants of the project. Do you see any representation of applicants about workplace accidents? It seems that there is no voting for those who have been injured at work.

Employee complaints concern people

If you ask me, it takes more than just definitions to improve the outcome of an employee compensation claim, or L.I. This requires empathy and an understanding of the unique problems people face after a work injury. In addition, you should listen, cooperate and be open.

If you give strength to the seekers and give them hope, they will take control of their lives. We need to be creative in their difficult living conditions and manage them. Why can’t we treat victims of workplace accidents as smart adults and talk to them about their future? Unfortunately, the results of the return-to-work evaluation for most staff are less than favourable to these people.

Comments and final thoughts

There seems to be a popular misconception. Contrary to what you think, most workers’ compensation claimants do not want to be completely incapacitated. According to my observations, most of them instead want to find a realistic solution for a productive life after an accident at work or a professional disease that has changed lives. For most, this means that they have the opportunity to make a full recovery.

It is clear that some people will never recover from accidents at work or occupational diseases. Ultimately, their goal is to achieve a stable and meaningful professional and personal life. If you want to improve your return to work, you need to think more about the injured employee.


How Do You Feel About Leaving Work to Go Home?

Reluctance to give up work does not necessarily mean being a workaholic. There may be many reasons why we feel insecure, reluctant, or even afraid to quit our jobs at the end of each day. There are those who will not believe that this can be a “thing”; they can barely wait for the clock to arrive when they can finally walk through the door.

So why don’t some people want to quit their jobs?

The work environment is often familiar and routine, with the usual tasks that need to be performed every day. Despite the fact that we do not like our colleagues or work, we are used to tuning and what is expected of us. We can make jokes, have coffee and maybe even have lunch together. Staying longer, not wanting to leave on time can be good, especially when we are busy and busy with important work. We know and understand our role and can fly on autopilot, even when it causes stress and is not always comfortable.

When the house is tense, a difficult or chaotic job can seem like a place of order and balance. When life at home is unhappy, full of arguments or naughty children, we can find good reasons to stay at work rather than return home. When we don’t expect a warm welcome or we are particularly expected, it can be a relief to stay busy with something useful, especially when so many jobs are understaffed. In fact, a recent study found that one-third of employees worked overtime without paying 7 hours a week, and 1/14 did not take full leave last year.

Similarly, if the house is empty and lonely and has nothing to wait for to stay at work, this may be a more viable option. The prospect of starting to build a life and making new friends and interests can be overwhelming. When to start? When we are new to the area, recently divorced, divorced or survived, it can be difficult to keep everything together. There may be financial or confidence-building considerations that affect our ability or willingness to go out and communicate.

Sometimes it can be difficult to learn to trust others and build relationships on your own. At work, we have a clear role and status. We may have a position to keep; it informs others about who we are and why we are here. This is not the case in the “real world,” where people ask us questions about themselves and we risk being convicted, albeit officially, according to our answers. Disgust, rejection, dismissal or disinterest rarely happen at work the same way.

There are still those who struggle with FOMO, fear of missing out. If they do not work first or last, they may be concerned about what they lack, or are perceived as unemployed, insufficiently diligent, or perhaps even evading their responsibilities.

Some people suffer from imposter syndrome for fear that they are inadequate or incapacitated. They may be reluctant to sign up until they “recheck” for errors and make sure it is good enough. Sometimes you can spend hours checking and reviewing your work, so the thought of returning home can be very worrying.

In addition, there are concerns that if they are not at work, they will be asked to replace and respond to a question or request for information. Worrying that you will be found to be prone to mistakes or inefficiencies when you are not working can cause stress and cause fear to leave when others are still around.

If we are increasingly reluctant to leave work and return home, we may have to work on ourselves or risk more and more isolating ourselves from social life and existing and new relationships. Mastering the skills of working with different opinions and values, studying ourselves and growing up is a part of adult life, but requires constant effort and dedication.

Passing therapy to overcome negative thinking stereotypes can be a valuable step towards increasing self-confidence and self-esteem. Then we can gradually become more motivated to find people and groups that share common interests.


Peace and Joy at Work

We spend most of the day at work. Where you work, the people who work for you, the people you work for, have a big impact on you. What do you look like when you come home after a bad day’s work? Your mood is lower than at your feet, and you better not rest.

That is why we have a great responsibility to ensure that the conditions in which we work and in which we spend so much time are favourable. If it’s toxic, make a plan. Easier said than done.

A friend of mine has worked for a prestigious international company for more than 30 years. Then they appointed a director whose purpose was to make people hell. A friend of mine has followed the right procedures to resolve the situation. But it was ignored. She was “poisoned” and it began to undermine her health. Eventually, she plucked up the courage and gave up. The move is radical and in fact so unfair, but for health reasons she had no choice.

Often we get stuck in this job and stay because we do not have the courage to run away and look for a new job. But it’s an unhealthy situation, and we’re slowly falling apart.

How can Christians follow the following instructions in such circumstances? 9 Bring slaves to become faithful workers, a bonus for their masters – without vulgarity, without petty theft.

How can you do your job with a song in your heart when you’re unhappy? It will be difficult to do what the boss expects when there are clouds around you.

Remember, we applied for a job. We went there on purpose and really got a job. Now it is our responsibility to follow each instruction in such a way that our work benefits us and the employer.

If you are in a position where you are uncomfortable getting up and going to work and you come home most of the night in a bad mood, ask God to help you make a difference. Be honest and say that you can not follow the instructions with the song in your heart, and list the reasons one by one. Write it down and ask God to guide you to the right answer.

Maybe you need to do something radical and look for another job. You may need to talk to your boss to see if you can handle the situation and improve the climate in the office. Maybe you should grasp this dream of doing your job, overcome fear, and do what God tells you to do.

Remember that God and His Spirit are with you. God wants to help you. Step by step. I am sure that God wants what is right for us, because He is our loving Father. Make it part of your everyday decisions, look for his direction and follow it. Here you will find joy and peace.

Titus 2: 9-10

Are you really happy at work?
Is this where the Lord wants you to work?
Or is there something else you should pay attention to?

God, I know I need to change something, but I’m paralyzed by fear! Thank you for being there for me. Please give me some wisdom about what to say and what to do. Amen.


L&I Claim Court Decision Prompts Changes to the Stay at Work Program in Washington State

What is the Stay at Work program?

In short, the WA-SAW program helps employers avoid compensation claims. From my point of view, it is designed specifically to provide employers with cost-effective indicators. However, this is a short-sighted programme. In practice, it ignores a few real concerns for applicants about workplace accidents. In addition, it often brings more lasting damage than good.

In my opinion, the important point is that L’I has little control over employers benefiting from WA-SAW. Back at work, many customers who have been involved in an accident in the workplace face a hostile work environment and over-critical performance. Many victims of workplace accidents report that they find it difficult to follow the treatment schedule, which slows down progress. However, these questions are largely ignored. In fact, claimants for compensation to employees are usually blamed and often punished for various problems that arise. For example, when an employer accuses an employee of having an easy job, it doesn’t work. This situation may result in the termination of compensation for lost time.

Make the program fairer for those who receive compensation

L’I recently announced changes to the WA-SAW program following a ruling by the Court of Appeal. Previously, employers could request compensation from the date of sending a brief description of the post to the doctor to review the claims of L’I for verification. The court ruled that this was inappropriate. Employers can now only claim reimbursement from the day the on-call service provider approves light work.

I personally believe that this is a step in the right direction. However, this is not enough. In order for employers to be eligible for WA-SAW benefits, the occupational injury claimant must: (a) be limited and unable to perform their normal work due to the circumstances surrounding the application, and (b) be released for medical reasons so that the attending physician can perform minor activities. The description of the easy task and the consent of the current supplier should be in writing.

Personal point of view

If done correctly and for the right reasons, the WA-SAW program can benefit both employers and employees.


Light Duty Work in L&I Claims and Workers’ Compensation Claims

Offers for easy operating conditions

First of all, it offers employers reimbursement. Here, employers can reimburse costs if they place employees at work after an accident and offer them light work. It calls this “Stay at Work” (WA-SAW) program. If the applicant who is applying for an accident at work has limitations due to the conditions attached to the application, the employer can directly offer a job that falls under these restrictions. Interestingly, it considers easy work to be acceptable if it meets the following criteria:

1) The claimant of an accident at work must have restrictions due to the conditions associated with compensation to its employees. These limitations should affect their performance.

2) The employer must provide the attending physician with a written (and detailed) job description for easy work.

3) The provider of stevedoring services must approve the light service in writing.

Once the criteria are met, the employer can offer the employee an easy job. The supply of easy jobs varies greatly from employer to industry. For example, supermarkets often offer shareholders or controllers easy tasks such as greeting at the door. Another good example is sedentary office work. In addition, if the salary in the new job is 5% less (or less) than that of the employee previously received, the employee may claim the loss of the benefit.

The economic incentives of this program are beneficial to employers. In fact, the program has many other advantages. First, it helps to keep employers and employees connected in the recovery process after an accident at work. It also creates less ambiguity about the status of the staff member’s work. These benefits are only realized if the program is used for the right reasons. Unfortunately, this happens too often.

The reality of easy work in some of the claims of L’I

I’ve seen employers offer easy “jobs,” such as watching safety videos throughout the shift. I’ve also seen easy “work” suggestions when you’re sitting at a desk doing nothing. Obviously, this is not an easy job, and its only goal is to reduce costs. Employers sometimes ask claimants for compensation to perform duties that go beyond their job descriptions.

Some employers advise workers with easy work to prescribe medical appointments and treatment after hours. This can be tricky, if not impossible. Finally, many workers are placed under a working microscope while doing light work. For example, when the employer registers them a minute later. Another example: the employer writes them down for playing games on a mobile phone because of sheer boredom, because the easy job was business, not at the table. Another way is to record an employee when he puts a swollen leg on an office shelf to reduce pain and swelling until he or she does nothing. These are all practical examples. Surprisingly, the review of staff files raises the question of why this excessive performance control was not carried out prior to an accident at work or a professional illness.

Protect people with employee compensation claims

Previously, employers and administrative staff had called me to review L’I programs such as WA-SAW. Proponents of the program cite studies, diagrams, and data that show that an early return to work (even in an easy shift) significantly reduces long-term disability. I do not dispute these findings. I also want the employees I represent to regain their quality of life as quickly as possible, including full compensation potential. However, I believe that the WA-SAW program is often abused and does not achieve its objectives.

When employers use the program only to reduce costs, ignoring the applicant’s feelings or needs about work trauma, I too often find that employees are angry with their employer. I see how the work environment becomes hostile, I develop mental health problems, and accusations of L-I become unnecessarily controversial. For this reason, I will continue to advocate for a more employee-centered review of these motivational programs.


Don’t Dream For Success Work For It

Success can be defined in many ways. But what is the same for everyone is that success will come only if you work for it. We’re so used to doing it easily. We want to have so much in life without really trying.

The reality is that dreams only work if you do. It is quite normal to dream of success. It is quite normal to dream about what your life should be like. It is an inspiring feeling that gives us purpose in life. Without our dreams and ambitions, we are nothing.

However, the problem here seems to be that too many people dream, and few of them try to pursue and realize those dreams. Dreams can have many positive effects on our motivation and general desire to do something. It affects our creativity to get new ideas. Although for some it is a waste of time; you give your brain the freedom to move, which can lead to the development of new ideas and creative solutions to the problems you may face.

But it is not enough to rely solely on reflection. You have to use this as an advantage to realize your dreams. So you need to know when to stop and when to act.
If you want to achieve what you are looking for, you have to act. Stop dreaming and make your ideas and dreams come true.

People often complain about everyday life. About the work they didn’t get, how well they got the job they have now, about the people in their lives, about the mistakes they’ve made, and what they’ve done or haven’t done. By nature, people like to complain almost everywhere when we do nothing to improve our lives. But it won’t lead to anything. If you know what you want from life and what your dreams are made of, you should definitely strive for it, not complain.

If you want change, make changes. So the moment you start to feel bad about yourself or feel prompted to complain about something, it usually means that it’s time to stop dreaming and start doing something. It’s time to act.

Success requires work. You have to make an effort if you want to see results in any area of your life.

Success requires work. You have to make an effort if you want to see results in any area of your life. So start with something and work to the end. No stop. You can work smartly and work hard to succeed.

Dreaming is important, but it is more important to work for a dream. Try to follow your dream boldly. Don’t dream about it. We have to work on that. Invest the time, energy, energy and resources you need to achieve your goals.

Dream of something beyond your means, something believable and practical. Believing in your dream, you can realize it with enough effort. So, whatever you do, make sure it helps you achieve your goals. Be the best at what you do. Give it 100%, work day and night to have a taste of success. Do what people admire at work.

Be the best at your job. Don’t let anyone make you feel inferior. Accept your strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. Love what you see in yourself and you will never cry about what society expects of you. Don’t just dream of doing what makes you happy, do it.

When a difficult situation arises, understand the problems and take action to make a difference. You have to take responsibility for the situation, not for the situation that supports you! So when the situation starts to get out of control, remember that there is nothing easy.

With the right thinking, an achievable and fulfilling dream becomes your new reality. If you know when to dream and when not, and when it is a good time to act and start working for it.