
The Pros and Cons of Working for Yourself

The benefits of meaningful work

If your work makes sense:

You get more energy because what you do is important to you and you know that it benefits others. You have a purpose.
You are somehow contributing to the big picture, increasing your satisfaction.
Your ability to work at the highest level is maintained.
You spend your time at work that reflects your values.
You are more involved in your work, which increases your job satisfaction.
You enjoy going to work more and more every day.
When it goes beyond the meaning

Sometimes work can be meaningful, but other factors interfere with the expected satisfaction. I experienced this in my career as a Montessori teacher in elementary school, when the school changed direction. Teachers were asked to prepare more documents, which could have been made easier. Teachers’ contributions in many subjects were not properly assessed. The entire work environment has become more limited, leaving little room for innovation.

When the work environment goes against your personal style, it affects job satisfaction, even if you do a lot of work.

Be aware of your own work style and see where you can agree on certain changes. There may also be ways to find leeway to create more freedom to work in your own style. If not, maybe it’s time to think about a different environment.

What makes sense to you? I suggest you leave a comment below to share your thoughts on what you think is meaningful in your work or what you consider a meaningful career.

Estra Roell is a certified coach on the law of attraction, a certified end-of-life trainer and an advanced PSYCH-K facilitator®. She is the author of the e-book “4 Keys to Achieving Your Life Goal.” Estra helps women who are tired every day to go to “soul-sucking” work, just to pay the bills, find their divine purpose and do the meaningful work they love.

Fewer breaks

Office chatter can be tedious at times, and sometimes it’s hard to get the job done. Not to mention office meetings. Tell me honestly, have you ever worked because of a meeting?

Flexible schedule

If you have a meeting of parents and teachers, you don’t need to ask for permission to participate. If you want a haircut, go for it. Everything you want to do during the day is up to you, unless you find time to work to get paid. Your schedule is yours.

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